Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno stated that several tourist attractions have been […]
Tourism destinations near Nusantara prepared ahead of Aug 17 ceremony
Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno stated that several tourist attractions have been […]
Eight Natuna fishermen recently nabbed by Malaysia return home
Indonesia’s Maritime and Security Agency (Bakamla) has officially handed over eight fishermen the Malaysian authorities […]
IKN development becomes foundation towards an advanced Indonesia
The Ministry of Communications and Informatics said the development of Nusantara Capital City (IKN) is […]
TNI-AU planes hold flypast over new capital city Nusantara
The Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) held a flypast over the new capital city, Nusantara, in […]
ASEAN Plus Cadet Sail helps navy cadets expand network: TNI AL
The ASEAN Plus Cadet Sail (APCS) is expected to serve as an activity that facilitates […]
Rizki Juniansyah tambah emas untuk Indonesia pada Olimpiade Paris
Atlet angkat besi (lifter) putra andalan Indonesia Rizki Juniansyah berhasil menyabet medali emas pada pertandingan […]
Sebanyak 483 orang ditangkap, 149 didakwa dalam kerusuhan di Inggris
Sebanyak 483 orang telah ditangkap dan 149 dakwaan telah diajukan terkait kerusuhan kelompok ekstrem kanan […]
Prabowo-Gibran siapkan 5 strategi untuk sejahterakan petani sawit
Anggota Dewan Pakar Tim Kampanye Nasional pasangan calon presiden dan wakil presiden nomor urut 2 […]
Aspekpir apresiasi PTPN IV berkontribusi akselerasi PSR
Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Perkebunan Inti Rakyat (Aspekpir) menyatakan apresiasi terhadap PTPN IV Palmco yang […]